Using Measurements for Cooking

As a way of teaching students the real use of what they can learn in the subject of maths, we can show them that we can use all this knowledge they have acquired, for things they can do in their daily life at home, like cooking.

When we want to cook, we must take into account that the use of maths can be found in every kitchen, on every récipe and on holiday gatherings. The mathematics of cooking is sometimes unnoticed, as it is something we do everyday. But if we analyse this, we have to use different kind of measurements to bake or cook.

In order to measure the ingredients we must have in mind mathematical aspects like the volumen, where we can use different tools like teaspoons, tablespoons or cups to measure the water, milk, flour, sugar or oil.

As a way of measuring the weight (mass) we can use mathematical terms like ounces, pounds, grams and kilograms. We do this to get the exact amount that we Will need, as when we bake or cook the measurements of the ingredients must be exact so that the food can be cooked correctly. And lastly, to measure the time is another important measurement to have in mind, as we Will need to know how much time we leave the food in the fire or in the oven for it to cook properly.

Here is a video where you can see how maths can be used in cooking:
