History of Measurement
If we think of measurements, even in the earliest civilizations they used measurement for agricultural, construction and trade purposes. During this early period, each area or region had their own measurements for lenghts, areas or volumes. But, with the development of manufacturing technologies and trades across the world a standardized measurement was used.
In the Acient Egyptian the digit or finger was their unit of measurement for lenght. It was originated by the breadth of a human finger. They also had the cubit which was another way of measurig using their arm.
In this two videos, it perfectly explains how this kind of measurements were used by the Egyptians and the Greeks:
In the Acient Egyptian the digit or finger was their unit of measurement for lenght. It was originated by the breadth of a human finger. They also had the cubit which was another way of measurig using their arm.
In the Acient Greeks, Hipparchus and Erastothenes were two major thinkers in the measurement of time and distance. They said that the length of the months was very similar to what we have today. As Erastothenes determined that the circumference of the earth was 28,000 miles which only three thousasnd miles more that what we know today.
In this two videos, it perfectly explains how this kind of measurements were used by the Egyptians and the Greeks:
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